A fruit, a nut and a cheese ... or how to make any salad a gourmet salad. And also wise words spoken by a wise person, in my case, Max Burstein, Little Brother Extraordinaire to Shira Gill, who deserves way more than a mere mention on a blog page in my book. But as a start, because that's where we are at today -- Shira Gill, Maven Extraordinaire and author of the blog "Shira Gill Home" -- She will take whatever you have and make it better, usually by virtue of subtraction. In other words, she will help you get rid of what you don't need and what you don't love, so you will have room for what you need and love in your heart and in your space. Trust me, she practiced on me throughout high school and is an inspiration to me today. And she says, if you're doing groceries for your salad, "Don't forget the dressing and some greens!" Right again.
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