If someone had told me that my diaper bag would mostly remain packed all the time and that all I would have to do before leaving the house with child, would be to pretty much just double check that I still have enough diapers and clean "tetra" cloths in there ... I would have been at least 50% less nervous about having a baby. I just couldn't imagine myself getting all that sh*t together everyday and still feeling calm. I looked at mothers with babies as if they were aliens with special powers before it was my turn. And in a way, I still look at mothers this way. How does that getting-from-here-to-there happen with those tiny ones?! If you are anything like me, you might want to read on. if you are an alien with special powers, drop me a note with a detailed explanation :). About a month after Yuval was born, I sat myself down and created some list for what I would needed when I preformed certain activities with our baby, such as leaving the house, bathing her, diapering her and calming her. Truth be told, once I created the lists, printed them and posted them around the house, I rarely needed them because their content was imprinted on my brain. Even so, they might help someone else as they can be customized to fit each babies needs. What we need when we ...
what_we_need_when_we_….docx |